Our Supporters

Fundraising in progress NOW...

Sponsors & Supporters

We don't sell advertising, however we do like to say thank you to our supporters. If you have helped us, or would like to and in return get a logo, text and link from this page, please contact us. A simple donation is all we ask, and your logo will be online for about a year. 
We are unlikely to contact you again, (as I mentioned, this is not advertising revenue) for renewal, but we are happy to add you again for a further donation.
Do let us know if you had any business, via the link. 
If you have helped in the past, we are also happy to add your logo here. To find our more or contact us follow this link.   

One of our Trustees Business, who supports us in many ways.

Another Trustees employers who supports us in many ways

All our donors, supporters and contributors get the following:- Just ask to be included.

Logo with link to website

Link to FB page

Short text description.

All our donors, supporters and contributors get the following:- Just ask to be included.

  1. Logo with link to website
  2. Link to FB page
  3. Short text description.
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