Team Mikayla Wish Granting Policy
In order to qualify for a wish or gift to be considered, the child must:
- Be under 18 years old
- Be treated for any type of cancer on Kamrans Ward at the JR Oxford, and the paediatric cancer wards at Bristol, Nottingham, and Leicester University Hospitals.
- The Trustees MAY in the future decide to add to the list of the above hospitals.
- The child has Not already been granted a wish by Team Mikayla previously.
Gift Request Process
- The request must be made on our official application form.
- During the process of arranging the gift, selecting and the voting, and then the actual giving or arranging of the gift, it is always done with personal communication between the parents or guardians and a nominated Trustee. We are ever mindful of any ongoing treatment or health limitations and work with medical and parents to include any time factors needed.
- On the form, we ask the children to make their own suggestions and choose or request 3 items that we can select for the gift or family treat they really want. (subject to age, with parental assistance)
- It is made clear that the value of the gift value is up to £500, which if needed will include a cancellation insurance in case of health limitations or unexpected treatment schedules.
- Before submitting the request, the parents or guardians must fill in ALL details requested, including a confirmation from the doctors that the patient qualifies as an ongoing patient on the ward.
- As part of the application, we ask the parents to supply a few photos of the child receiving or enjoying the gift or outing, and to give us comments that we can use for social media, website, and publicity. This part is not compulsory, and parents are given the option to either not supply, refuse part or to limit the use of any supplied photos and comments.
- The gift request form is then voted on by all Trustees, with any comments being addressed, adjustments made before granting the wish. This is followed up by proceeding to the purchase or arranging the delivery as soon as possible after approval.
Seasonal and Occasional Gift Granting
- From time-to-time we may choose to grant gifts directly to a ward. These gifts are to remain on the ward, to be used by all patients. (eg. Emergency Stay Kits, TV’s or Laptops)
- Periodically we agree a sum that we gift to the whole ward as seasonal presents to the benefit of either individual children or all children on the ward:
Christmas, we try and arrange (where possible) for the "real" Santa to deliver suitable gifts after consultation with the ward staff, that can be used by all children on the wards.
Easter Eggs are delivered by the Easter Bunnies to all children on the ward subject to consultation with the ward staff reference to dietary limitations.
Trustees Decision is Final
- Occasionally the wishes requested are either not possible to give within the budget, are unpractical to arrange or simply deemed unsuitable.
- The Trustees will work with the parents and guardians to compromise or adjust the request, but the Trustees reserve the right to refuse any request at any time for any reason without appeal.