Meet the folks who make it all happen.
We see big potential in every moment and care deeply about what we do every day.
Hi, I am Mikayla of Team Mikayla.
The reason why I wanted to grant wishes to children fighting cancer is because I am also fighting cancer and understand how much you miss out on normal life and no child should have to.
As the mother of Mikayla, I've seen what the children receiving treatment go through. A child fighting cancer goes through so much, our gifts & treats can never compensate, but we know it helps...
I become a Trustee in order to support Mikayla. As her Dad, I had little say in that, but very proud to do anything to advance Mikayla's Charity's aims.
Brendon looks after our money, cash flow, and is responsible for a good deal of the fundraising with his endeavours!
Helping a Local Charity was a business decision, Team Mikayla turned that into a mission. Co-owner of The Funky Teapot, we supported TM from the beginning, and now I help with online "stuff"
She loves her lists, whether its stock for raffle prizes, or "to do, list" or what we need for an event, Rachel has a list.
Recently invited be become a Trustee, after helping Team Mikayla for a long time.
Recently invited be become a Trustee, after helping Team Mikayla for a long time.
contributes to Team Mikayla by creating engaging social media content and assisting with the eBay store. Her creativity and dedication help spread awareness about our cause and support our fundraising efforts
Wayne is not strickly a Trustee, but has taken on a new role of Head of Our Volunteer Team, he will be growing the most valued part of Team Mikayla.
From Leicester End team, and not only helping Billie who is also part of the new team, but running, climbing and generally doing things many of us shy away from in order to raise awareness and funds.
A most valuable member of the Volunteer New Team.
"Being Mikaylas cousin and seeing all that she has been through made becoming a hard working part of the team an easy decision.
She will be assisting Wayne in his new role.
One of the Leicester gals, granting wishes and organising fundraising at Leicester Royal Infirmary children's Cancer ward.
The joy my heart feels, when I see a poorly childs smile, when they receive their gift nothing really compares to that."Childrens Cancer Ward.
While we carefully select Trustees, we really could do with some Committee members to support the Trustees in the tasks of fundraising. Is that you?
Send us a message and we will answer as soon as we can